Career and Personal Development Programme

A practical way to become proactive about your career and life and go from operating on autopilot to feeling motivated and fulfilled

Who is it for?

This programme is for ambitious professionals who are seeking professional support and guidance in order to discover new, more fulfilling career opportunities and:

  • Advance their career in the same organisation, or
  • Find a new role in a different organisation, or
  • Pivot into a different career path, or
  • Start their own business, or
  • Change careers completely, or
  • Return to work after a career break

This programme isn’t just surface level advice any traditional career adviser can give you. It’s a path to transformational self discovery that will require you to look deeper into your mindset, habits, strengths, and weaknesses.

This programme is NOT for those who:

  • Want a quick fix
  • Want to be told exactly what to do to simply follow directions
  • Want a more free-flowing approach to coaching (if so, please book the 1:1 coaching sessions)
  • Are not prepared to do the work and, among other things, look inwards, which may not always be comfortable
  • Not prepared to start doing things differently

What results can you expect?

By the end of the programme, you can expect to have:

  • Gained clarity about what success means to you in your career and life;
  • Gained a wider perspective and uncovered new opportunities you may have been overlooking
  • Understood your unique strengths, skills, and experience better (and how you can use them to start the next chapter of your career and life)
  • Increased self-confidence and resilience, and developed your personal brand
  • learned to communicate with more impact and influence
  • Developed a clear plan with practical steps to achieve tangible results in your career and life and a sense of empowerment that comes from having a clear direction
  • Discovered a path towards a more sustainable way of working and living that feels right for you (and a greater sense of fulfilment and comfort that comes with it)

Please keep in mind

A hiring and promotion process involves many factors outside of our control: changes in the market, expectations and preference of the interviewers, specific requirements of a role, or simply bad luck. That’s why, although many have secured a new job or role right at the end of this programme, there is no guarantee that this will happen for you as well.

What’s included in this programme?

This programme includes:

  • 10 coaching sessions via video calls, each of 60 minutes. We will agree on the precise timing in advance
  • Practical exercises related to the coaching sessions you will receive feedback on
  • Additional practical tools and resources (backed up by studies from neuroscience) to help increase your self-awareness and address developmental needs
  • A review with feedback on your CV and/or LinkedIn profile (not a rewrite) during our scheduled sessions
  • One 30-minute post-programme follow-up call to review and assess progress

If you would like to practise your interview, or receive additional support in your transition into your new role, we can arrange additional coaching sessions for an additional fee.

I started my coaching with Tami not knowing what to expect and have been amazed by the insight I have gained into my decisions, outlook and aspirations. Tami immediately made me feel comfortable and was able to lead me to practical steps and solutions that I don’t think I would have found on my own.

~ F. L., Lawyer, UK 

I have found my career coaching experience with Tami to be invaluable. She helped me set tangible and achievable career goals as well as look at areas where I can work on my personal development. I learned a lot about myself and what I want from my career.

~ S. K., Lawyer, UK

Tami Irokawa McGonigal
Certified executive coach, trainer and speaker

How does it work?

This programme comprises 9 x 1:1 online coaching sessions via video calls spread across 3–6 months.

We will meet regularly for a period of 3–6 months, working around your schedule. For example, once every week or every 2 weeks.

During these meetings, you will have my undivided attention in a safe, non-judgemental environment so that you can focus solely on yourself and your career.

I will support and challenge you to be truthful to yourself and to face any fears or concerns that may be obstructing progress.

I will act as an objective sounding board. Where appropriate, I will give you examples of what I have seen others do in similar positions to yours and share my personal experience to help you gain a wider perspective, particularly in relation to successfully navigating your career and life.

This programme follows a clear and proven step-by-step framework based on my experience helping other ambitious professionals discover new career paths and/or make transition in their current career.

At the same time, this programme is flexible enough to be customised to suit your specific situation and needs.

In particular, we will work on:

  • Completing a strategic career/life audit: analysing where you are now in your career and life, how you feel about your current situation, and what opportunities you would like to explore
  • Setting realistic and sustainable goals, including identifying what may be getting in your way and how best to overcome these obstacles)
  • Creating your own unique career and personal development plan you can confidently follow step by step

Session 1:
Back to Basics

Pre-session: Identifying your key experiences and lessons learned in life.


  • Understanding your core values and exploring how you can honour them more in your work/personal life
  • Looking at what drives your decision-making and actions
  • Identifying what you draw energy from and what drains your energy

Post-session: Further reflection on your core values.

Session 2:
Thinking big: Setting your vision and your definition of success

Pre-session: Uncovering your definition of success. Identifying your wider purpose and motivators (your `ikigai`).


  • Exploring your desired life in more detail and without limitations. What needs to be different? Where do you want to be? How do you want to feel?

Post-session: Articulate your vision—in words or imagery.

Session 3:
Knowing yourself and exploring your unique selling points

Pre-session: Reflecting upon your unique strengths, skills, and knowledge


  • Understanding how you can best harness your unique selling points in the next stage of your life/career and how they could inform your next steps
  • Analysing of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT)

Post-session: Identifying obstacles and limiting beliefs

Session 4:
Identifying obstacles and limiting beliefs that prevent you from building a positive mindset


  • Identifying any possible obstacles and limiting beliefs that are preventing you from moving forwards towards your own definition of success
  • Building a positive mindset to help develop your confidence, resilience, and presence authentically to empower you to navigate the challenges you face and to ensure that changes are sustainable

Post-session: Evaluating your emotional well-being and whether you carve out enough time for yourself. Examining what your healthy boundaries look like to help you achieve your goals without compromising yourself

Session 5:
Crafting a compelling personal brand: A review of your CV

Pre-session: Creating a draft CV/personal profile. Collecting questions on how to develop a personal brand.


  • Reviewing CV/personal profile to help build your personal brand

Post-session: Revising CV/personal profile, working on your LinkedIn profile, and thinking about ways to create a strong online presence.

Session 6:
Setting realistic goals that are inline with your purpose values, strengths, and interests


  • Taking a closer look at your reality (e.g. finances, family dynamics, other responsibilities etc.) to explore possible opportunities within and outside your current role/life
  • Identifying any gaps in your skill set and figuring out how to bridge them through retraining or courses so that you can take the next step in your career with more confidence

Post-session: Identifying your support network

Session 7:
Strategic planning and Networking


  • Developing an effective strategy to work around challenges and take advantage of any opportunities you have
  • Developing and activating your support network
  • Creating your own strategic plan: Fine-tuning job search strategies by creating a job search plan or a business plan (if you are looking to set up your own business), working effectively with recruiters, and exploring how to discover hidden opportunities for yourself (for ex., side hustle, new business, etc.)

Post-session: Reflecting upon your well-being.

Session 8:
Developing more tools and techniques to enhance your well being


  • Understanding neuroplasticity to develop healthy habits
  • Introduction to your brain’s networks to increase your effectiveness

Post-session: Putting your plan into action to increase your effectiveness and well being through understanding how your brain works.

Session 9:
Building the right mindset and increasing confidence to ensure long lasting changes


  • Tackling imposter syndrome, fear of change, and other mindset challenges with help of neuroscience
  • Providing additional tools and techniques for building self-confidence and resilience

Post-session: Final reflection exercise.

Session 10:
Final review and reflection


  • Reflecting upon the insights you gained from this coaching
  • Reviewing your plan to ensure that your plan is effective and sustainable

You’ll be in good hands

and regain a lot of confidence I had lost after struggling through the first few years of working motherhood. She helped me to think about where I wanted to go with my career considering my values and goals and we worked together to formulate a strategy as to how I could move forward to achieve them.

Tami was wonderful to work with, open and approachable, and genuinely supportive.

~ J. H., Lawyer, UK

I came to coaching with Tami being at a crossroads in my life and career looking for guidance and support to move forward with my goals and ambitions. Tami helped me to better formulate those goals and gave me the confidence to take the first steps in achieving them.

I found working with Tami to be easy, like working with the most supportive of friends. She’s empathetic and insightful.

~ S. A., University Administrator, UK

Interested? Book a free discovery call.

Book a free 30-minute discovery call to talk about where you are at the moment, where you want to be, and how I can help you succeed. No strings attached.