Change. I love change.

I didn’t always love change. But I have come to embrace change. Some change suddenly lands out of nowhere. Some change you seek out. Some change creeps up on you. I’ve got to say this, though – change is never easy.

In fact, real change is usually very hard – especially when you have responsibilities – stake- holders, noisy voices and steely eyes of those surrounding you. The worse yet is the voice of your inner critic.

If you fear change, you really are not alone. Maybe my top 3 tips for making a change is just what you need today. Imagine what possibilities are open to you.

1. Listen, observe and feel

You don’t need to make a big leap until you’ve built your foundations. First pause. Listen, observe and feel. What do you want to change? Why do you want to change? Hold judgment, and try to be flexible and open -minded. Let your creativity flow.

2. Be true and kind to yourself

Step away from the idea of what you ‘should’ be doing, and reflect on what’s inside your own mind and heart. Turn to your core, your own values and don’t look for approval. Be kind to yourself.

3. Face the fear

Change induces fear in a lot of people. Try working through the worst-case scenarios. Putting those fears down on paper can be a great exercise and inevitably you will realise that you are much stronger than you think.

Finally, you may also want to consider coaching. I bet you rarely allow yourself to be properly heard by somebody who can provide you with a non-judgmental, objective perspective and support. Few people do.

When you are at a point when you recognise that it is time to move forwards – it is a sign of strength not weakness when you seek out the right person to help you navigate a change in your life.

Has change suddenly landed on you? Are you seeking change but don’t quite know where to start? Contact me at I would love to chat with you. Let’s see if we can work together to navigate the change and make a difference.

Are you ready to embrace change ?

 book your complimentary Discovery session now