We are all different (and that’s great isn’t it), and that means that every Discovery session I do is unique. But in case you are wondering what happens during a Discovery session, this is generally what a Discovery session with me is like.

What I will do:

1. Arrive as myself. Who you see is who I am.
2. Genuinely be pleased to meet you, and hope I can make you feel at ease. It is important that you feel safe in your environment to open up to me without fear or judgment. I will remind you that confidentiality is at the heart of every conversation we have, including our first chat.
3. Eager to hear what brought you to me, what is going on in your life, and what you hope to get out of coaching.
4. If you have questions I will be as truthful, open and honest as I can. To get the most out of coaching you will also need to be truthful, open and honest. After all, we are equal partners in this relationship.
5. Explain a little more about what coaching is and what it isn’t, what a coaching journey with me may look like, and how I will be there for you. I will seek your permission but I will not be afraid to challenge you. You are self- accountable and my main role is to raise your self awareness and to help you find answers within yourself – as this is the best way for positive and sustainable change.
6. Ask you how you think I can best support you. We will chat about that in more detail.
7. Then if you are still interested, we will talk about what kind of programme might suit you – including the price. This will all be confirmed in writing before you need to commit to anything.
8. If there is even the faintest inkling of any possible difficulties in us working together for whatever reason, we will talk openly about it.
9. Tell you that there is no rush to commit. I like our Discovery session also to not be rushed. I will encourage you to sleep on it. It is important to me that it feels right for you to work with me.

What I will not do:

1. Get upset if you are more interested in yourself than me. Coaching is a wonderfully holistically subliminal process that is all about you and NOT about me.
2. Sell you my life style or my dreams.
3. Deliver you a sales pitch.
4. Try to be your friend. Our relationship is key to you finding your own unique path to success. It is important that we get on. It is also important that I remain in a place where I can be objective.
5. Promise to ‘fix you’. Instead, I will try to enhance you. If you have been thinking about doing some coaching, now might just be the time to book a Discovery session. Contact me at info@rinzenproject.com

Are you ready to embrace change ?

 book your complimentary Discovery session now